Tag Archive | diplomacy

Apocalypse Not Now

In a speech at The American Israel Public Affairs Committee Policy Conference, President Obama argued for a diplomatic approach to dealing with Iran’s nuclear program.  Mr. Obama asserted that “he is prepared to employ a ‘military effort‘ to keep Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon”, but also warned against “too much loose talk of war“.  Sound familiar?

“And you will hear wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not alarmed for this must take place, but the end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6 NRSV) 

Jesus gave this advice in response to the apostles’ request for a sign of his return and the end of days.  They wanted to be able to tell in advance; perhaps so that they could get ready.  The “wars and rumors of wars” are just the beginning.  As the scripture continues, Jesus details many of the things to come, and warns that there will be many false predictions.  He tells us twice to “Keep awake” because we just do not know when he is coming. (Matthew 24:42 and 25:13)

For the President, it must be tough to look at predictions of a nuclear future, to know what is true, and to make decisions for an entire country; decisions that will effect the entire world.  Additionally, the war talk has led to increased gas prices and hampered the diplomacy effort.  I dare say, it’s a little easier for us as Christians, our only task is to keep following Christ’s teachings – using our talents to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, visit the prisoner.  We just have to keep living our truths.

Are your lamps trimmed and burning?